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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mac OS » Graphics


Animation (1) Ray Tracing (2) Shareware (15)
Web Graphics (1)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   15

Featuring Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects.


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 2 - POV-Ray Site Browse Website open in new window
The official site for the freeware ray-tracing program POV-Ray.


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 3 - Extensis Browse Website open in new window
Font management and digital asset management software for professionals.


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Create a full 360 image and retain complete control over panorama image creation. Images are saved in JPG PSD, BMP format. [PC/Mac]


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 5 - CreativePro Browse Website open in new window
Resource for creative professionals in graphic design, desktop publishing, and pre-press.


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 6 - Maxon Computer Browse Website open in new window
Makers of Cinema 4D.


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Features include a fully customizable tools palette and built-in filters and effects. Patterns can be created, saved, edited and used as fill or applied with a brush. Supports pressure-sensitive tablets, input from digital cameras and scanners, and mo...


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 8 - Image Rodeo Browse Website open in new window
Template-based web photo album creator for Macintosh OS X. Choose from built-in templates, or create own using HTML and JavaScript.


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Freeware 3D Metafile (3DMF) viewer with many features that is available in English, French, and German.


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 10 - Meshwork Browse Website open in new window
A 3D triangle-mesh modeling program for the Mac OS designed especially for making compact, efficient objects for use in 3D games or on the web.


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