Name: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, plays

Version: 0.2.0


XLDL Literature Description Language provides an XML doctype that may be useful for the storage of novels, stories, poems and related texts. In general, it may not be useful for scientific literature. The doctype is aimed to be as useful as possible and as powerful as needed. A lot of features are supported like version control, internationalization or custom treatment of selected parts of text.

With XLDL you may also mark certain entities, such as acting persons, locations, times or metaphors. With a capable software, these marks may be useful to navigate through the logical structure of the document or to group and search these entities. This allows the user to treat an XLDL document like a small database.

As usual with XML, this doctype reflects the semantic structure of a text. It cannot store typographical information. Please, use XSL for that purpose or transform a document with XSLT to fit for another document type (such as XHTML or FO).

License: GNU LGPL

Read enhanced documentation (JavaScript required).

Take a look at the the DTD.

Download the XML Schema.

Download the RelaxNG Schema.

Read our lovely poem written in XML.
Read the first scene of "Empedokles" written in XML.
Read the first lines of the famous novel "Hyperion" in XML.

Refer to DTD: http://xml.ister.org/dtd/xldl/xldl.dtd
Refer to Schema: http://xml.ister.org/dtd/xldl/xldl.xsd
Refer to RelaxNG: http://xml.ister.org/dtd/xldl/xldl.rng

Due to a naming conflict former XIL is now XLDL.