Title: Quotation Exchange Language (QEL) Namespaces: xmlns:rddl="http://www.rddl.org/" Description: QEL, the Quotation Exchange Language, is an XML language for exchanging collections of quotations. Keywords: QEL, Quotation Exchange Language, XML, quotation, quote, DTD

The Quotation Exchange Language, or QEL, is an XML language for exchanging collections of quotations. It was designed by A.M. Kuchling (www.amk.ca). Currently the QEL format is at version 2.01.

QEL is an open format; the specification for it is freely available and can be downloaded from the links below, and no royalties are required to add QEL support to other software. I encourage maintainers of quotation software to adopt QEL as the storage format in their products, or to support importing and exporting QEL files.

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