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Biochemistry software for Acorn/RISC OS computers


!AAWorks is a collection of programs for analysis of protein sequences in the form of textfiles of single letter amino acid codes. Brief details of the individual applications are given below.


!AAGrphcol displays an entire protein sequence graphically with one pixel representing one amino acid. The amino acids are coloured-coded according to various physical properties including hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity, pH/charge and phosphorylation. Sequences are loaded as textfiles with the amino acids represented by the single letter code.

NEW 19/11/02 - Version 2 of !AAgrphcol now available!. This is a completely rewritten and now fully multitasking application, with some new features including a user-defined search/display option.


!AAtextcol loads textfiles of protein sequences where the amino acids are represented according to the single letter code. The sequence is displayed onscreen as text colour-coded according to the particular amino acid and determined by physical properties such as hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity, pH/charge and phosphorylation. The relative proportions of amino acids with a particular characteristic are also calculated.

NEW 6/11/02 - Version 2 of !AAtextcol now available! This is a completely rewritten and now fully multitasking application, with some new features including a user-defined search/display option.


!AAcompare takes two textfiles of protein sequences (single letter amino acid code) and compares them for identity. The result is displayed onscreen with matching residues highlighted and the overall percentage identity calculated.


!Molextinc simply calculates the molar extinction coefficient for a protein from its primary sequence provided as a textfile (single letter amino acid code).


!AAnalyse gives a quick visual display of the amino acid composition of a protein in the form of a bar chart and percentages.
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