Blind + Linux = BLINUX

"The purpose of BLINUX project
is to improve usability of the LINUX operating system
for the user who is blind"

You'll find information about BLINUX in Japanese language here (thanks to Mrs. Chie Nakatani).


For a fast overview check out the BLINUX FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). The BLINUX FAQ is maintained by me. If you feel that answers for some questions are missing, please email your suggestions to

The BLINUX Mailing Lists

The BLINUX File Archive

The BLINUX File Archive holds documentation and files which can support the LINUX user who is blind. It is IMHO the most comprehensive repository of its kind on the Net. If you think that documentation or files are missing and should be included, please upload them to the BLINUX incoming directory at The BLINUX file archive is mirroring many sites which provide related resources. If you feel that some files we should provide are missing, please send email to to set up a mirror to your site.

BLYNX: Support and Documentation for Blind/VI Lynx Users

The Blynx Lynx Distribution Mirror and Archive

Emacspeak User Interface

Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows blind and visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. Available free of cost on the Internet, Emacspeak has dramatically changed how the author and hundreds of blind and visually impaired users around the world interact with the personal computer and the Internet.

In my humble opinion Emacspeak is the most advanced voice enabled user interface currently available. If I wouldn't have seen a trained Emacspeak user reading his email faster that I ever could I never would have believed it. Did you ever see a person which is blind playing Tetris amazingly fast? It sounds incredible. Emacspeak makes it possible.

I won't tell you that you don't need some training until you are at home with Emacspeak. But if you are willing to invest some efforst, chances are good that you will be able to handle your computer faster than many sighted users.

Voices about Emacspeak

Emacspeak Introduction by its author

A Gentle Introduction to Emacspeak

Emacspeak Home Page

Emacspeak Mailing List

Emacspeak at Source Forge

Contributed by Karl Dahlke

The Command-Line Interface - Ideal For Blind Users

This hypertext document is maintained by as part of the BLINUX project. Please report any errors or problems encountered with this document to me. Disk space for BLINUX is provided by, which is not responsible for this site's content.

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