NapMX: Unleash the power of WinMX !
   23/05/2004 - Working version uploaded : Beta 3

I've just uploaded beta 3. This version was developped by BroadwayLamb, from beta 2.
It includes some improvements (a new rating column, some new exportable formats, etc) and works now with NapList and GotNap instead of Napigator.
The reason I put this version here is that old versions (beta 2 and older) no longer work because of the death of Napigator... so it's like a temporary fix... and still, it's better than beta 2 ;)

   16/05/2004 - Back to life !

Here is the place for the new website.
There's almost nothing here right now, but I'll add things as soon as i can.
I can only work on NapMX/this website on weekends... so don't come back each hour to see if anything is new ;)
Now, as you may or may not know, Napigator died, so the "old" NapMX doesn't work anymore. Somebody made modifications to the old NapMX code to make it work with the two new services which will replace Napigator : NapList and GotNap.
I'll make this "special" version of NapMX available here next weekend, and then I'll work on the website plus the next version of NapMX which will include modifications made by me since beta 2.
Looking forward to holidays on 9th of June !

   04/05/2003 - Napigator down

I recieved a lot of emails telling me that NapMX was reporting an error 11001 or 11004 when trying to update. The reason is that the website used by NapMX to retrieve the server list is apparently down (it's not mine and I cant't do anything about it). According to it's only temporary... let's hope it'll be back up soon !

   01/12/2002 - Semi-back

I now have the Internet back, after 3 months without it... (sorry for people who tried to mail me). I can access my computer only on weekends, so my allocated time for NapMX is very short. I think Beta 4 will be available soon, in fact it could have been released but the "testing" feature can be dangerous in its actual state : OpenNap servers could be too easily flooded. I may release it without this feature, until it's safe. Hem, I'll also have to update the FAQ :P

   18/07/2002 - The next version...

Already a lot of things changed between the code of beta 2 and the actual non-released code. Multi-langage ability is almost done. I also added an option to TEST the servers i.e. connect to them and say if it was successful or not. Anyway just wanted to let you know that I'm working and working on NapMX, more than ever ;)
The site was down some days ago, we had problems with the domain, so I created another alias, just in case : which will always redirect to the good page (as does)

   27/06/2002 - Beta 2

Here is a list of changes :
- Fixed runtime crashes when very odd servers were found, I've tried with totally crazy lines, and NapMX now simply discards these servers. (Thx again Chris :P)
- Now IPs which are not in the format are marked as tampered/fake
- Added an option to auto-sort the list on a choosen column and order
- Added some forgotten linespeeds
- List now correctly resized when resizing the NapMX main window
- Added a context menu on list to copy server info in clipboard

   26/06/2002 - NapMX 3.00 Beta 1 Released

My Bac is over (results the June 5, 2002, et ça c'est pas trop mal passé pour ceux que ça intéresse mdr), and so I've been working on NapMX. Here are the new features taken from the Readme file :
- Totally rewritten the options/configuration code
- Now you can select servers to add
- Autoselect option depending on files/users/Gb
- Fixed proxy option (which was sometimes buggy)
- Other less-visible-but-not-less-important-little-things :)
I changed so many things that I prefered releasing this one as a Beta version. Tell me if you find something weird !

   21/06/2002 - The Open Source version is here !

Here there are ! Both 2.1 and 1.1 source versions are on the download page. Source code is released under the GNU's GPL license.

   11/06/2002 - Open Source Project

In 48 hours my exams are going to begin, and even after them I'm not sure to have all the time I thought I would have. So, as I don't want this project to die or to become, like many others, "frozen", because the author is busy, I'm thinking of releasing the source code. Some people already have asked it by mail, and I've not always answered, so here is the anwser now : YES :)
I'll release the source code of both versions (i.e. for v2.x and v3.x of WinMX) with a readme file, with everything I have to say in it. I'm sure, with the help of others programmers, that this program will become the best friend of WinMX, and even for the whole OpenNap community, making more files available to everybody.
The source code will be, I think, available in more or less 10 days, when my exams will be over :)

   16/05/2002 - WinMX 3.1 Final

It's finally out, after loooong months of beta-testing. My bac (French exam) is from 13 June to 17 June, and I won't be touching the NapMX code until then, but the current version of NapMX (v2.1) perfectly supports v3.1 of WinMX, as it supported all the betas. So you can rush to the download page ;)

   10/04/2002 - NapMX 2.1 Released

Should work under all OSes (some users reported problems under XP and 9x). Sorting now works :)

   09/04/2002 - NapMX 2.02 Released

Three more bugs fixed :)

   09/04/2002 - NapMX 2.01 Released

Fixes two stupid bugs... sorry about that ! :)

   09/04/2002 - NapMX 2.0 Released !

See the readme file included in the release for all the changes, but I can say it supports now proxies, WinMX 3.0 Beta 6+, and some other stuff.
It's not a beta version, but I released it as quick as possible, so it may contain bugs... I already know a few (buggy sorting of the list for examplen, I'll correct that in next version), anyway, download it now ! :)

   06/04/2002 - NapMX 2.0 News

WinMX 3.0 Beta 6 is out, and .wsx files support is available... but as you may have noticed, NapMX 1.x can't add the servers to it :(
I'm aware of that, and I have to find another way of adding servers to WinMX... to be honest, I already have an idea, and I already tested it : it should work. So I think a beta version of NapMX 2.0 will be out shortly, with proxy support, WinMX 3.0 support, and maybe more... ;)

   16/03/2002 - FAQ

As you may have noticed, there's a new FAQ page, because in mails a lot of questions were asked again and again. WinMX 3.0 Final is still waited, and I still can't do anything with Beta 5, but I think there's no really use to add OpenNap servers to a beta software, because as WinMX people said on their beta page, OpenNap functions are not totally finished, and it must be buggy (I think that's why they didn't implement .wsx files support yet). I had the results of my first exams, not that good, so I think I'll have to work harder for the next 3 months :( That means I'll no longer be able to answer my mails : there are already nearly hundred mails waiting to be answered, sorry about that... Even if I can't answer each mail, I *WILL* write down suggestions, bug reports, or anything else. Please continue to write about that, it's useful (and thanks to people who have already done it). If you need help, try the FAQ page (I'll try as possible to keep it updated), and for other problems, not mentioned in FAQ, please redirect your questions to, there's a lot of helpful people here, some of them are NapMX users, I'm sure they'll be able to help you, much faster than me... Anyway, I'll not give up on NapMX, in case you were wondering ;)

   13/02/2002 - Problems

I'm having huge computer problems, so I can't currently work on NapMX.
Sorry for users with proxies, but NapMX 1.2 still have bugs and non-functional buttons, so I really can't make it available.
Hopefully v1.11 still works fine, I don't know yet how it'll react with WinMX 3.0 Final... I hope it'll still work.
Maybe I'll get those problems fixed soon (depends on Packard Bell people...)

   03/02/2002 - WinMX 3.0 Beta is out

Yes, the loooooong awaited WinMX 3.0 is coming, and as some users noticed, NapMX doesn't currently works with it. As it's written in the WinMX 3.0 Beta 2 known bugs page, WinMX doesn't currently supports importing of .wsx files, and that's the feature NapMX uses to import its servers into WinMX, so that's why it doesn't currently works.
We just have to wait for the final release (or maybe the next beta), when .wsx files will be implemented. I'm still working in NapMX 1.2, but as I'm having heavy exams this week, I'll not have much time to work on it...
But please stop writing me asking to add support for WinMX 3.0 beta, as I can't do anything until .wsx files are supported... eh, we waited months for 3.0, we can wait some days more for final version, can't we ? ;)

   26/01/2002 - NapMX 1.11 Released !

OK, as NapMX 1.2 is not yet ready, and as the stats page used by v1.1 is dead, I decided to release this version, with almost only the stats page address changed :)
But don't worry, next version is on its way...

   25/01/2002 - Localhost ?!

I've recieved a LOT of mails today from users reporting the same problem : only one server found with NapMX (localhost/
It's because of the webpage used to retrieve the list :
It's totally empty (only this localhost thing), this is not a bug in NapMX !
NapMX v1.2 will, I hope, be ready tonight, and it'll use a different page which - at this moment - works.
So please wait, and come back tonight ;)

   15/01/2002 - NapMX 1.1 Released !

I hope this release will correct every issue with missing .ocx files
I totally reviewed the source code, and added some features (like autodetect WinMX path and more intelligent handling of n/a servers)
Look at the readme.txt file included in release for more information.

   07/01/2002 - Better setup program coming soon

Several users reported problems while using the setup program included in v1.0.
In some versions of windows, it appears like .OCX files are not found by the program.
I'm working on a new setup file, which will use the great NSiS tool, to correct this issue.

   06/01/2002 - Brand new design

Welcome to the new NapMX homepage :)
I've totally remade the website, it's not finished yet, but i'm doing my best to finish it soon !

   04/01/2002 - Homepage is here !

Hi ! For the past 3 weeks, I've been developping NapMX only for personal use, but as I noticed it had a growing interest, I decided to make a homepage.
For instance it's ugly, but well I'll make it better when I have the time. Everybody will be able to download NapMX from here now ;)
I'll also post news on development, and so on, so please bookmark this site and visit it back on a regular basis to stay tuned !
I just uploaded NapMX 1.0 to download page.

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