Tcl/Tk Quick Reference Guide

I have written a quick reference guide for Tcl 8.0 / Tk 8.0 based on the quick reference guide written for Perl by Johan Vromans. The reference is 52 pages in length. A Perl script is included in the distribution to reorganize the pages in the Postscript source into booklet form. Shown below are two pages from the reference. The first is the table of contents and the second is a random page showing the presentation format.

Older Versions

O'Reilly Version

If you don't want to deal with the hassle of printing and stapling together a booklet, O'Reilly has now published my guide as the Tcl/Tk Pocket Reference. It is based on version 8.0.3 of my reference. The nice binding and slimmer width make it much easier to carry around.

I have so far found just one erratum on page 78 where the footnote daggers in front of the code letters should be replaced by percent (%) signs.

Paul Raines