LaTeX and BibTeX style files for American Meteorological Society (AMS) publications

Official LaTeX and BibTeX style files now available

Brian Papa of the American Meteorological Society publications office took the style files from this package and modified them to create an official AMS style package for journals. You can find that package at the AMS Journal Manuscript Templates page .

You should use the official package for AMS journal submissions. It now supports a two-column journal style draft in addition to the double-spaced version that you need to submit. I recommend that you use the version on this website only for AMS conferences.

Unofficial LaTeX and BibTeX style files for American Meteorological Society publications.

These are not authorized or approved by the AMS in any way. Use at your own risk! Unlike the official AMS package (above), this package supports options for AMS conferences and draft versions of AMS journal submissions.
  1. The three main files in this package are ametsoc.sty ametsoc.bst and ametsoc.perl .
  2. ametsoc.sty implements American Meteorological Society's requirements and is meant to be used in an article documentclass. ametsoc.bst is a natbib.bst-derivative that implements AMS-style citation. ametsoc.perl provides the hooks for you to use the ametsoc package with latex2html
  3. sample.tex has usage instructions and options and is itself an example of usage. samplebib.bib illustrates a typical bibliography database.
  4. and sample.pdf are postscript and Adobe portable document format versions of the sample document.
  5. and sample_final.pdf are sample documents with the "final" option, i.e. this is what you actually send to the AMS.
  6. ametsoc.dbj is for the brave. It contains the complete list of choices that I made for the AMS format. If I made a mistake, it should be simple enough to edit the change and run a batch job on it. The program makebst.tex distributed with latex was used to make this .bst file. Simply edit ametsoc.dbj and run tex on it.
Permission to use the files in this directory is granted to anyone under the following caveats:
  1. If you change the contents of the .sty and .bst files, you have to change the names of the files also. This is to prevent confusing variations of the style files lying around.
  2. This README file in its entirety should be distributed along with the files.

The latest and greatest version of this file can be found at: and you can download the package by getting: ametsoc.tar.gz in that directory.
The sample file, converted to html is: here (also has usage) .
Answers to previously asked questions

Problems Fixed

The latest version of ametsoc has these problems fixed. If you have a version that exhibits these problems, please update your ametsoc.
  1. The figures and table section in the "final" option are out of order (needs to be figures first)
  2. Extra colons and commas in citations of articles
  3. Extra colons and commas in citations of proceedings, theses, etc.
  4. List number of pages in citations of theses
  5. Section references should read "See Section 7a", not "See Section a"


Thanks to the following individuals for contributions to the style file:
  1. John Donners of Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute for fixing some formatting problems in the citation list.
  2. Iselin John Paul of Bucknell U. for fixing the abstract environment and pointing out problems with references to sections of the document. Both fixes are in the current style file.
  3. Edward (Ted) Mansell of OU for fixing lots of errors in the formatting of subsections and subsubsections, fixing the citation format to not have colons in the wrong places, and adding more journal macros.