Database Consulting & Operating Systems Outsourcing

Our services are designed for any business who wants access to expert database outsources without needing someone at the office on a full time basis. We offer different types of outsourcing services to manage what your company needs.


Maximising your profit
by reducing your
downtime, risk and cost

maximising uptime outsourcing

Today’s businesses are faced with a large skills shortage in the IT sector which is exacerbated by skilled staff retention problems. This can pose a significant risk to an organization particularly in the highly specialized database administration field…

relational database consulting

RDB is an accredited license reseller for Oracle, Microsoft and Sybase. RDB can significantly reduce licensing costs by determining a clients exact requirements and then configuring the most optimal licensing metric based on these requirements….

remote database monitoring

Ask an organisation’s EXCO what their experience is with databases and their accompanying operating systems, and the majority are oblivious of what you’re talking about; however they quickly state that they don’t want to have problems with them…..

What People are saying ......

Our Partners

RDB Consulting - Linux Partner

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