Groundbreaking Data
and Technology Solutions

Empowering You to Be the Innovator with Powerful Technology Who Always Delivers.

Strive for Something Better – And Get It

At BIS, we know you want to make a name for yourself. In order to do that, you need systems that gives you true automation, and will continue to innovate long into the future.

The problem is that management wants immediate results on complex deployments, but does not budget enough time or money. This makes you feel like you are building a rocket out of duct tape and bailing wire. It just should not be so hard to run a deployment on time and on budget.

If You are Not Innovating, Your Competition Is

bis digital innovation

The consequences of failed technology deployments are high. Among them are:

  • Long nights trying to make the impossible happen
  • Keep dealing with the same problems and stuck in the same job
  • Spend more time lobbying for budget increases than you do deploying new technology
  • Management asks the new graduate for their opinion before you
  • Left with old technology because of failed deployments
  • Stuck between multiple vendors, each of whom blames someone else for your failed project

Deliver Projects On Time and Under Budget…
With Technology to Spare

bis technology innovation

Run consistent deployments that deliver on business-critical outcomes.

bis tools

Become the person that the C-suite asks for recommendations on emerging technology.

bis. electronic processing innovation

Stop apologizing and start innovating.

A Constant Focus On Improving Your Technology and Bottom Line

We understand that building a full solution takes time and expertise. So we have built teams of experts in virtually every area, from document conversion specialists to dot net developers. With BIS, you only have one vendor to manage, and we stand behind our solutions for the long term.

That is why over our 35-year history, thousands of companies have trusted BIS to build and deploy groundbreaking solutions to their most pressing issues. We are always focusing on a well-reasoned business case to make sure you improve both your technology and your bottom line!

Here Is How We Do It:


We schedule a meeting with you to understand your project.


We collaborate with you to determine the most valuable outcomes and relevant technologies.


We work together to meet your defined targets, giving management the results they need with the budget you have been given.


You will stop thinking “if only we could do that” and start asking “what will we do next?”

So Chat with Us Now to Get Your Project Started,
or Download Our Deployment Preparation Cheat Sheet

bis tech deployment preparation cheat sheet thumbnail

Take advantage of our 35+ years of solution deployment experience! Written by our deployment experts here at BIS, here are 6 preparation tasks that will make your technology deployment a success. These tips will help you avoid problems tomorrow, understand internal and external threats to success, and meet and exceed goals faster.


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AI Accelerated Intelligent Document Processing

Now extract actionable information from the most challenging physical and electronic data sources – code-free and without complicated templates. This is the way intelligent software is supposed to work.

BIS Data Integration Solutions

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For Technology & Service Providers

Achieve deeper integration with diverse data sets quickly and cost effectively.

Augment work using machine learning, natural language processing, and data integration.

bis system

For Amplifying Analytics and Business Intelligence

Analytics tools have a tough time integrating historical transactional data and information locked away in varied document types. 

Enable more informed decision making by augmenting your analytics platform.

data science workbench thumbnail

For Easier Data Engineering

Achieve rapid results on data science projects and deliver valuable insight faster.

Augment text extraction, data preparation, pattern searching and building machine learning models.

data processing services

Data Processing Services

See why we are the experts in document and data processing and scanning services.

Do not just scan to archive – scan to know!

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Become a BIS Partner

BIS is helping technology consultants solve all kinds of complex document and data processing tasks.

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BIS Data Blog

Get great value through our discussions on business strategy.

Learn more about all things data integration and cutting-edge tech.

BIS Content and Infrastructure Solutions

Information Technology – Hardware and Software
Information Technology – Hardware and Software

Benefit from our 35 years of IT hardware and software experience. Check out our produce line card of all the great products BIS offers:

Content Services – Hardware and Software
Content Services – Hardware and Software

Conquer your data challenges — and achieve far more with your data — through best-in-class content management software.

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The Grooper Experience Will Change You

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