External Article

Snake draft sorting in SQL Server, part 3

In part 2 of this series, I showed an example implementation of distributing a long-running workload in parallel, in order to finish faster. In reality, though, this involves more than just restoring databases. And I have significant skew to deal with: one database that is many times larger than all the rest and has a higher growth rate.

SQLServerCentral Article

Basic Always On Availability Groups in SQL Server Standard

Once Windows Server Failover Clusters have been set up, we can set up Availability Groups in SQL Server. This article will focus on setting up Basic Always-On Availability Groups in SQL Server Standard Edition.
This facilitates High Availability in SQL Server Standard, with three levels of availability and failover:
Asynchronous commit with manual or forced failover,
Synchronous commit with manual or forced failover,
Synchronous commit with automatic failover.


Export Extended Event Results to CSV or Table


This is something that I’ve seen pop up a couple of times on various...

Book Review – Fundamentals of Data Engineering


This book was recommended by some of my colleagues, so I decided to give...

Introduction to OpenAI and LLMs – Part 2


My previous blog post on this topic was Introduction to OpenAI and LLMs, the...

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Identify Tables With Dropped Columns

By Cláudio Silva

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Identify Tables With Dropped Columns

Multi-Database Marked Transactions

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Multi-Database Marked Transactions

Poor Database Design Realities

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Poor Database Design Realities

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Question of the Day

Multi-Database Marked Transactions

I run a marked transaction across multiple databases with this code:

BEGIN TRAN onemorenewdbTran WITH MARK 'mark from 3 dbs'
USE sandbox2
INSERT dbo.AddressTable
  (AddressID, AddressValue, AddressPostal)
  (12, '123 three St', '4444')
USE sandbox3
INSERT dbo.Logger (logdate, logmsg) VALUES (GETDATE(), 'tran message')
INSERT sandbox4.dbo.logger (uid) VALUES (700)
COMMIT TRAN onemorenewdbTran
How many marks are inserted into msdb.dbo.logmarkhistory?

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