One-Time Password Calculator for the Nokia 9000

A one-time password calculator is part of a one-time password (OTP) system (formerly known as S/Key system) as specified in the following RFC's.
RFC 2289 A One-Time Password System
RFC 1938 (obsolete) A One-Time Password System
RFC 1760 The S/KEY One-Time Password System
Typically, one-time passwords are used with remote login software such as telnet and ftp.

The software

screen shot

Two formats are available. The .zip files are for installation with nserver, the .aos files can be downloaded directly to the communicator using the built-in web browser. If you are using the latter it might be easier to go to my communicator software page.

version released .zip source .aos changes
1.0 1999 otpc_10.aos

Copyrighted freeware. All rights reserved.


If you find a bug or have any comments then send mail to:


The IETF OTP working group.

The One Time Passwords in Everything (OPIE) system. Lists of links from NTK.

Various information about S/Key at INRIA (ftp), Los Alamos, MSRI and Adam Shostack's home page: introduction, tech notes.

The Monkey S/Key cracker (password guessing) from L0pht.

cDc communications #327 Vulnerabilities in the S/KEY One-Time Password System.

Security advisory from WSD: S/Key & OPIE Database Vulnerability.

Copyright 1999-2003 Tomas By.    Last change: $Date: 2022/02/23 04:56:20 $ Tomas By