Leading the Way in Systems Engineering and Modeling

No Magic offers a range of software products and tools in model-driven engineering, system architecture, system design, and software engineering. It is crucial for organizations to comply with specific industry standards and regulations. No Magic enables users to create models that are aligned with international modeling and system engineering standards.

Comprehensive Toolset for Model Based Systems Engineering

No Magic offers a wide range of tools and products to support various aspects of model-driven engineering and systems engineering. 

Driving Systems Integration with No Magic Modeling Solutions

Our modeling solutions assist in the development, integration, and analysis of complex systems, making them a valuable resource for engineers and organizations working on Systems of Systems (SoS) projects.

Empowering Systems Engineering with No Magic Plugins

Our extensive array of plugins empower organizations to tackle the complexities of systems engineering and modeling effectively

No-Magic-training-thumb > Dassault Systemes

Expert Consulting and Tailored Training Services

No Magic consulting provides expert thought-leadership in the areas of systems modeling and simulation as well as knowledge transfer based on a detailed analysis of customer work products and processes. Consulting services are provided on-site or remotely based on the issues involved and arrangements with the customer.

No Magic training can be tailored or customized to address the specific modeling, simulation and analysis needs of our customers to blend theory into practical application. Training provides a foundation for organizations to jump-start learning in MagicDraw, UML, SysML, BPMN, UPDM or modeling in general for modeling language, tool and methodology instruction.

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NOTE: Existing users of No Magic products can access to the user portal at https://magicdraw.com/main.php, as well as Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud samples at https://ccexamples.nomagic.com.

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