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Dawn of the what?

Dawn of the Fly is a free Flash Lite Game developed for phones equipped with the Flash Lite 1.1 player. Currently tested for Nokia phones, but will also work on most phones with a Flash Lite player.

Download Free Dawn of the Fly Flashlite Game here!

Make it through all four stages and get your own Dawn of the Fly theme for Nokia Series 60 Smartphones!

Go to Theme Download Page

The World of Dawn Of The Fly

The World of Dawn of the Fly

The Order Diptera, the two wings.
Dawn of the Fly is a historic account of the great world war dubbed "The Order Wars". No information remains to which power was to blame for the start of the worst world war ever known to man. We know that high level research was done with insects, especially fruit flies, doubling there life expectancy! This was a great achievement for mankind for it was another step closer to immortality.

Where it went wrong, no one quite knows. The ruling powers probably overlooked the fact that one pair of flies can produce more than one million offspring in as little as six to eight weeks. So double the life expectancy of the fly and of It's offspring. It was the beginning of something immense and so horrible, that it will always be known as "The Dawn Of The Fly".

The last remaining human outposts are on the polar caps, where it is still too cold for flies to survive. The cities are stretched to the brim, time running out, ravaged by civil wars, people relentless to give up their space to another man. Outside of the polar caps a great war is upon earth. A force has been gathered to eradicate the earth of the flies, and free humankind from the most colossal threat it has ever faced!

High Scores & Overall High Scorers

Here is a list of the TOP 25 High Scores as well as the TOP 25 Overall High Scorers! Remember that you can only get on the list if you achieved your score on a phone!

Highest Scores

1) 12 021 993 - Ren (E65)
2) 3 294 862 - Faixan (N73)
3) 2 597 515 - Manzoor4 (6120c)
4) 2 331 395 - Sadam D (Nokia N73)
5) 2 221 686 - Logus LT (Nokia N70)
6) 1 828 353 - Lamike (Nokia 3230)
7) 1 570 128 - Bersheda (Nokia E50)
8) 1 526 448 - IRAN (Nokia N70)
9) 1 501 086 - Nimairan (Unknown)
10) 1 436 335 - Sonup (Nokia 6681)
11) 1 324 658 - Cinor (Nokia N73)
12) 1 320 563 - Alex222 (Nokia 6680)
13) 1 311 552 - Vavasya (Nokia 6630)
14) 1 309 455 - Sonup (Nokia 6681)
15) 1 244 124 - 7osam 83 (Unknown)
16) 1 198 930 - Aghelou (Nokia E51)
17) 1 197 152 - Mrak73 (Nokia 6630)
18) 1 196 772 - nsl N70 (Nokia N70)
19) 1 131 273 - Lamike (Nokia 3230)
20) 1 126 761 - Milad (N73)
21) 1 113 871 - Sonup (Nokia 6681)
22) 1 012 969 - Stefan (Nokia 6680)
23) 1 012 968 - GennyYar (Nokia 6630)
24) 974 000 - saylin (Nokia N70)
25) 958 466 - Milad (N73)

Overall Top Scores

1) 12 037 775 - Ren (E65)
2) 7 812 886 - Morteza1 (Nokia N73)
3) 5 518 425 - Varam 9 (N73)
4) 5 474 384 - Mrak73 (Nokia 6630)
5) 3 986 467 - Milad (Nokia N73)
6) 3 859 661 - Sonup (Nokia 6681)
7) 3 714 716 - Lamike (Nokia 3230)
8) 3 294 862 - Faixan (N73)
9) 3 222 364 - Alex222 (Nokia 6680)
10) 2 617 886 - Aag (Nokia 3250)
11) 2 597 515 - Manzoor4 (6120c)
12) 2 592 283 - Bersheda (Nokia E50)
13) 2 331 395 - Sadam D (Nokia N73)
14) 2 330 886 - Logus LT (Nokia N70)
15) 2 203 172 - Vavasya (Nokia 6630)
16) 2 183 255 - Iran (Nokia N70)
17) 2 172 860 - Cahyadi (Nokia 3230)
18) 2 170 299 - Hassan (Nokia N73)
19) 2 136 514 - AgHelou (Nokia E51)
20) 2 049 830 - Bes (Nokia 6630)
21) 2 003 907 - Alex (Nokia 3230)
22) 1 804 907 - Manzoor (6120c)
23) 1 739 038 - Diablo13 (Nokia 7610)
24) 1 675 444 - Igor O (Nokia N95)
25) 1 583 710 - O8o (Nokia N73)

Latest News

September 2010
Yes it's true, you can download Dawn of the Fly Chapter 2! Get it here! (For Nokia Touch devices only)
(ps. new site is in the works - already been moved over to better server!)

March 2010
What you thought Dawn of the Fly was forgotten? No way! Check out the latest version available from OVI now! Now featuring our latest community and player features, download now to claim your username!

September 2008
The Dawn of the Fly Shop is now open! Get your favourite Dawn of the Fly character merchandise here!

July 2008
We have updated the 3rd Edition SIS to work with latest model Nokia's that have Flash Lite 3 installed. Some really special things coming to all you original fans! Dawn of the Fly is more popular than ever thanks to all of you!

March 2008
We have updated the scoreboards, and you can now see, not only who has the highest score ever, but also who has the largest overall score. Congratulations to Logus LT and AMX (iran) who were the respective world number 1s!

June 2007
The 3rd Edition theme (newer Nokia phones) has been completed! Theme features Flash Lite screensaver and custom icons! If you have any problems with the new theme just let us know!

May 2007
As you might have read on some blogs, the third edition theme for Dawn of the Fly will be available soon! It is currently working on the N73 and N95, but we are still having some problems with the older phones like the 3250. One good thing though is that now you will be able to access the game from an icon on your phone, not having to go through the Flash Lite menu! Please hang in there, as soon as the theme is ready we will mail all of you and let you know!

September 2006
Thanks to everyone that has e-mailed us! A third edition theme will be available soon, sorry we've been very busy indeed! We will also be releasing an update of Dawn of the Fly when we release Chapter 2! Everyone that e-mails us will be added to our special list which will receive updates and get access to games before they are publicly released. We have been doing a lot in the Dawn of the Fly universe, very excited to deliver the next Chapter to you!

June 2006
We are blown away by how many people have been playing Dawn of the Fly. Thank you for all your feedback and comments! Dawn of the Fly is now being played in more than 58 countries!

May 2006
We are working hard on the next chapter of Dawn of the Fly! We also have some special presents in store for all those who have been playing Dawn of the Fly since the start, we appreciate your support and feedback! Dawn of the Fly is now being played in more than 55 countries!

November 2005
Thanks to everyone that has been playing the game and having a good time! The scores are getting so high! We have now players from over 31 countries playing Dawn of the Fly! Expect some updates to the online section soon!

August 2005
Thank you to all who have voted for Dawn of the Fly on the Adobe/Macromedia Flash Lite Exchange - Dawn of the Fly is now the fourth highest rated application and highest rated game on the Exchange!

We are very excited to bring you the next installment of the Dawn of the Fly saga soon!


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    All Dawn of the Games are covered under the Barking Seed Privacy Policy.