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Client Testimonials

You tend to notice things just as fast, or faster, than we do.  So, instead of that, I'd like to say thanks. I'm particularly happy that we seem to have accomplished quite a bit... which leaves me feeling very confident about our site at an opportune moment.
Randolph Court | Democratic Leadership Council
Great – thanks again for your quick turnaround on this – you are a lifesaver! Thanks HHOG team for quick response as usual!!
Chuck Brennan | EAI Technologies
Holy moly, Jeff, thanks for your epic effort working with this... I hear you loud and clear on the need for a staging environment for things like this, and will talk to...  about it!
Porter Mason | United States Fund for UNICEF
You are the best hosting service ever.
Tatiana Shulzycki | United States Fund for UNICEF
Jeff did his usual fabulous job in our ISP cutover. I don’t know what we would have done without him.
Bill Shaffer | Association of Fundraising Professionals
Thank you so much for the extraordinarily great service Hedgehog has provided.
Tatiana Shulzycki | United States Fund for UNICEF
Thanks for going above and beyond with your help last night to get the production environment on track. That kind of help and service would not have been possible if we had chosen other vendors for your services.
David Hardwick | Transitel
Hedgehog Hosting has been the most responsive and reliable hosting service I have used. The staff is extremely helpful and the service is great!
Bill Shaffer | Association of Fundraising Professionals
I finally got the signature for the PO for the Server OS migration work. I want to thank you for taking on this project and for doing so on such favorable terms. As you know this is a mission critical server for Dominion and getting the drives implemented in a redundant array is a major improvement. Once again the Hedgehog team offers a level of service and expertise beyond that of any other web hosting provider.
Robert Nicholson | Dominion Dental Services, Inc.
Once again, thanks for the help and amazing service. I rave about you guys/girl to everyone who asks about where we host our servers.
Marguerite McFadden | BlueSkyz, Inc
Hedgehog has delivered many times over on the initial agreement....They treat us like a special customer and they're darn nice people to work with.
Mike Guerrieri | Aerican Speech-Language-Hearing Association
You guys are more than a vendor, you are a partner. We've been a very happy client since 2005 we know we will continue to be a happy client. Of course we rely on you guys to keep our servers up and running. But we also depend on you guys to help us make smart decisions for the long term and you have never let us down. Fundamentally, we rely on you guys as much as we do because you've shown us time and again that you are the best.
Phil Lepanto | Connections Media, LLC
Hedgehog has changed everything for us. We get more than three million visits to our Web sites every month and often experience massive bursts of traffic in response to international news stories about our undercover investigations and campaigns against cruelty....Since we transitioned to Hedgehog, we have never gone down, ensuring that people have constant access to PETA's [sites]
Tracey Reiman | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Hi Richard: I've finished checking your client references, and we are ready to move forward—I must say, you've got a lot of happy clients.
Joe Baker | Amnesty International, USA
I also want to say that I am very happy that we are working with Hedgehog. I have always been very impressed with your service and professionalism. With so much change going on, it is good to know that I don't need to worry about our hosting solution
Kevin Reid | Amnesty International, USA
The Arlington County Medical Society has been greatly impressed with the service that Hedgehog has provided. I have never had to wait for service. In fact, Hedgehog makes you feel like they have unlimited time for you. Hedgehog is the most attentive and competent service that I have dealt with.
Jo Ann Allen | Arlington County Medical Society
Richard - Happy New Year! Took a call from [a prospective client] today. I realized that I now sound like one of the "true believers" I spoke to when I did reference checks for Hedgehog. You certainly have a happy customer here. You guys are definitely doing things right to engender that kind of loyalty. Keep up the good work!
Mike Guerrieri | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
In mid 2001 our hosting service completely crashed. Being a small non-profit organization, we were at a complete loss of what to do. We called the hosting company, but got the usual "customer service" person on the phone that kept repeating the same thing. Our website and e-mail are the main sources of communication we have with our donors. Seeing our panic, a friend of ours called Jeff in for the rescue. It was our first time meeting Jeff and the rest of the Hedgehog Team. Within a matter of a couple of days they managed to set us up and running on their servers. They began providing us web-hosting, e-mail service, web-mail (which is a great service for people like us who travel internationally on a regular basis), and capabilities of e-mailing all of our donors through the Lyris Server. Ever since we have been trouble free and more importantly worry free. The service provided by Jeff, Richard, Amanda, Chris and the rest of the team is above and beyond any expectations one might have of a hosting company. On behalf of everyone at Help the Afghan Children and the children we serve in Afghanistan I would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the entire Hedgehog Team for the wonderful service they have provided us through the years.
Omar Qargha | Help The Afghan Children
[T]he first part of next week is a very important period for us....Before our move to Hedgehog, I would have considered this to be an occasion where I would feel compelled to ask our hosting provider to keep a particularly sharp eye on our site. But it's become abundantly clear to me that's probably not necessary with you guys, because you're obviously keeping a sharp eye on us ALL the time.
Randolph Court | Democratic Leadership Council

Hedgehog Technology Services commits to helping strengthen the workforce of the future.

We find ourselves in uncertain times and it is even more important that we stay the course and focus on how our industry can and will help American families recover in a post COVID-19 world.

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