How to Attract Direct Advertisers to Your Blog

Being able to successfully monetize a blog is one of the most desired goals for bloggers. Although a true-blue blogger will write and maintain a site for the love of writing, it is always a good thing to have the option of earning. Accepting ads from direct advertisers is a common way of doing it […]

5 Blogging Tips for Better Internal Marketing

You know that you have a good blog. You understand your topic material. You’re a good writer. You’ve compared yourself to other blogs and have found your overall structure to be above average. So why aren’t you getting more traffic? The answer is going to lie inside the idea of internal marketing. Because even with […]

How to Reuse Old Blog Posts

It’s a fact that bloggers don’t always have the luxury of writing fresh posts on their blogs. The freelancers who accommodate writing work from various groups sometimes find themselves experiencing mental block resulting in their not being able to easily write blog posts. But take heart because you can do something about this problem. Did […]

Why You’re Losing Ground in Search Results Pages

As promised in my post Reasons for Sudden Plunge in Blog Traffic I will be discussing the possible reasons for a sudden drop in search rank. I already wrote about this in the past but concentrated on FALSE ALARMS. However, what do you do when you find out that your search rank has indeed dropped? […]

5 SEO Tactics That Are Utter Poison

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-changing beast. Some well-intended advice you got from a freelance techie might not be relevant anymore — in fact, it might even wreck your SEO rankings. It’s important to stay on top of trends, understand Google Panda, and maybe even start to dip your toes in LSEO (localized SEO). […]

Music And Blogging

I love music – who doesn’t? For many people, music is an important part of their lives. Have you ever thought that musical elements can be applied to your blogging? I have to give credit for this thought to Hans over at Daily Blogging Tips. Let me share with you some of his ideas. He […]