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Toddler's website in trademark dispute 122

Edmond Howser wrote in with this story about Archie Comics writing to the owner of the website, asking him to "cease all use of the Internet domain "," all use of the Veronica trademark," and hand over the domain to Archie Comics. Turns out the website is about Veronica, a toddler... The story also mentions your contribution in helping Perhaps we can help Veronica by expressing our disappointment to Archie Comics' Feedback Page.
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Toddler's website in trademark dispute

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  • ...but I don't see why anyone would register a domain for their two-year-old daughter. It's stupid. I mean, if you want to put up a page about how great and how cute your little toddler is, why not use the webspace that your ISP provides? And yes, one could say that my registering a domain name is stupid, but at least I can read and write. Also, I am aware that the issue here is that a big nasty faceless corporation is trying to squash the little guy for using a name that just happens to be one of their trademarks but the little guy isn't using it in any way that relates to the corporation's trademark, so don't flame me about me ignoring the real issue here, because I'm not.
  • Unless trademark law has been changed recently (and it may have been; you no longer have to be in the same business to be infringing a trademark, for instance) trademarks offer no protection against someone who is using their own name. If you are foolish enough to trademark a common name, you will have to live with the possibility that someone with that name will also use it, or (quite possibly) that you will lose the mark altogether.

    Of course, there is no doubt in my mind that Archie comics is hoping that these people cave without researching the issue.

  • Not entirely correct, AFAIK. The courts have ruled that just because it's your name is not a 100% flawless defence in all cases. For example, a guy with a last name of McDonald decided he wanted to sell hamburger's. It was his hamburger shop, so he called it "McDonald's Hamburger Shop." The *other* McDonald's was none too happy, and won in court, even though it *was* the guy's name.
  • Instead of aiming the /. effect at the offending companies each time this happens (and it WILL happen again), lets aim it towards something that will be able to take care of all of them.

    I'd like to see someone that has "a clue"(TM) about trademarks and the Internet step up and give those of us that don't have a full grasp on all the issues, a place to aim our Congress Critters and get the law changed to something more reasonable.

    I don't have a lot of sympathy for Archie Comics, however maybe some of you have forgotten or weren't around here when the whole Linux trademark debacle took place. Also remember those that advocate nailing with trademark infringement. We wanted Linus to do exactly the same things that Archie Comics is doing right now.

  • Posted by Charles Bronson:

    It should be noted here that is not a registered domain name, so does anyone with $70 to throw around want to annoy Archie Comics?
  • Posted by johnny the homicidal maniac:

    so, i hit the page listed, and look for specific email addresses of people at the company -;;; - executive producers and the like. and i get spammed with four identical letters, mentioning "All e-mail is directed to the appropriate
    editor within ArchieComics Online." and thanks for writing. i'd buy in a heartbeat if i had the money, but the semester just started. email archie comics, or each of the people above, and let them know how ridiculous this is, eh ?
  • They should pick on somebody their own size []. But they haven't the cojones, I'm sure.


  • The site is also carrying this story now.
  • I wonder if they are going to sue the people who created/implemented the archie and veronica services now.

    Someone should really create a "Lawyers Hall of Shame" page to commemorate the stupidity, greed, and thuggery of those who bully individuals with frivolous legal threats over domain names.

  • In the letter to Archie comics, her dad asks why archie hasn't registered or or; perhaps someone should tell him that these are reserved for educational institutions (and as Archie Comics doesn't hold classes, they probably wouldn't qualify.)
    That just possibly might have been his point. Archie already owns [] and it is ridiculous for them to worry about a non-commercial site that in no way pertains to them. I could understand somewhat if he was running something like but trying to claim sole rights to a commonly used name? Registering every possible domain that shares the same name as a character in a comic book is insane!
  • Old business practices conflicting with commonly accepted Internet procedures? Sure sounds like a nerd topic to me.

    Besides, there's always the old standby:

    • Rob is a nerd. He finds it interesting.
    • You didn't pay anything to Rob. He never promised anything
    • You are not the sole arbitrator of what constitutes a nerd.
    Grow up - not everyone feels the same as you do. Learn to deal with it.
  • by PHroD ( 1018 )
    who CARES? has anyone actually read archie comics since the 60's? Kids read like DC and Marvel et al. these days, even most little kids. I NEVER found Archie or Popeye (another suck-ass comic) or any of that stuff even MILDLY funny. Sheesh... maybe we should /.
  • It would help if they would stick to defending their trademark against real infringement. Otherwise, they might as well just mass mail their demand letter:

    John Smith (or current resident): It has come to our attention that because you may be able to read and write, you could also possably infringe upon our trademark. If you are doing so, cease and desist immediatly. blah,blah,blah.....

    After all, they HAVE to defend their trademark!

  • ..and, of course, "hart less" should be "heartless"...I've seen that one a few times...I guess it's difficult cos it slips thru the spell checker. :-)


  • This sort of thing is an example of the commercial world creaping (sprinting) up on us here on the internet, and is highly relevant to the politics of the internet, even if in of itself it is only a minor example.

  • I think this type of thing is a good use of the slashdot effect. Maybe Michael Silberkleit [mailto], publisher of Archie Comics will realize his error after he has to sort through 20MB of hatemail.

    WTF does he hope to do with a .org domain anyway? Corporations should stay in .com where they belong.

  • Yeah; was that last bit really necessary? More likely they'll get punished by the media, which is most definitely not God even if many uninformed people take the words of the media as gospel (sorry, bad pun; couldn't resist).
  • so does this mean both archie comics and hanna-barbara (betty rubble from the flintstones) will sue you?
  • Attached below is the letter I sent to the feedback address. I tried to exhibit politeness in this letter; I hope that if you do write them as well (please do!) that you will approach them in a level-headed manner. The "advocacy" mentioned in the article won't mean a damn thing in the future if it's associated with a angry-mob mentaility.

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I would like to add my voice of concern to the many you have already received regarding your dispute with the owners of the domain. It seems unconscionable to lay claim to anything containing the common name of a character in your publication -- a name which can be traced etymologically for centuries.

    Have you sued Hanna-Barabara for their use of the name "Betty" in "The Flintstones"? These two characters have peacefully coexisted for the last three decades; certainly your Veronica and this child can too.

    I hope that this debacle can resolved amicably, and I encourage you to cease your legal threats against the Sams. Thank you for your time to consider this message.

    Chris Prince
  • Seems pretty appropriate to describe the situation.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Speaking of archie pOrn, the Betty and Veronica
    charectars are the closest thing to pre-teen porn
    Ive ever seen. Ive seen hookers that wear more clothes then Betty or Veronica.
  • Trademark law obviously needs a complete overhaul. I don't think that this is planned. Does anyone have any idea what we can do to cut this problem out at the source? Letter-writing campaigns are all well and good, but I've stopped contacting site admins about spam, and I'll stop contacting companies about trademarks too in a couple of years. Can we do anything to push for at least some clarification of trademark law?
  • Her father clearly understands. He was making the point that they have (note the org), not (which Archie comics owns). His point is that they have a non-commercial domain.

    If your going to make a comment, at least look at all the information.
  • Has anyone actually looked this up on the USPTO web page? I just did, and here are the search results [].

    It turns out that there are only 2 Veronica trademarks that have been registered numbers 1564500 and 1966658. Looking further, 1966658 is a trademark for the logo associated with the Veronica character, while 1564500 is for a typed drawing. These facts alone should be enough for NSI to laugh this one off (given of course that they've had their windectomy*). Because of this, there should never be any trademark infringement of domain names as common words can't be trademarked.

    Does anyone else see it this way?

    * For those who don't know, a windectomy is where a window is inserted into the abdomen so one can see where they're going with their head up their ass.
  • Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 20:18:06 -0500 (EST)
    From: Andrew Hobgood
    Subject: VERONICA.ORG Domain Name: a plea for sanity

    Hello there.

    I'm a concerned netizen who finds your lack of regard for personal originality and personal freedoms (as well as civil liberties) a horrible example of corporate America.

    By trying to get the young Veronica Sams (and her parents) to give up the domain "," you're setting a poor example for other companies. This domain is clearly not in competition with yours in any way. Have you sued the developers of the Internet for their usage of the terms "Veronica" and "Archie" as Internet search tools that have been around for longer than the web? No, you haven't.

    If you continue to disregard the possibility that this young girl (all of a eighteen months old, and very cute, I might add) is not out to get you and your profits, I'll be forced to begin a campaign among local comic collectors (many of which I'm close friends with) to denounce your company and the twisted ideals which you represent.

    I find your closed-minded attempts to strip a toddler of her web presence to be highly deplorable and disgusting.

    If you take action against Veronica Sams and her family, I suggest you also take action against the following (and this is by no means a comprehensive list):

    - Owners of all the following domains:

    (ad nauseum)

    - The following authors of common software programs:
    Peter Deutsch, Alan Emtage, and Bill Heelan
    (authors of the "Archie" FTP search tool released in 1990
    University of Nevada
    (authors of the "Veronica" Gopher search tool released, on Nov. 17 1992)
    Rhett Jones (University of Utah)
    (author of "Jughead", another Gopher search tool, released in 1993)

    Recall, by no means is this a comprehensive list of all uses of your trademarks from the Archie Comic Book series. Make sure to eliminate all of them, or your precious earnings will be threatened by things completely outside of your market!

    Thanks for your time,

  • I'd sue her...
  • You may think of it as a techo news site, but it's really whatever Rob wants it to be. How many other non-techno news articles have you complained about? All of them? I bet not.

  • I realize that this is an IS news site, not a pro-anything-religious site, but I'd just like to say that seeing your comment has made my day. :)


    The following sentence is true.
    The previous sentence is false.
  • On the other hand, there is a town in central Illinois (I forget the name), that has a McDonald's Restaurant that was in business before the hamburger chain, and sucessfully brushed back the megacorp's lawsuit...

  • The evil villains at Archie Comics have called off the hounds, see: ?s=v/nm/19990120/od/veronica_2.html []. (/. is chewing up this URL in the preview, not my fault. make sure there's no space between the m and l in the final html.)
  • Once again I've been beaten out by another /.'r to get credit for a link to a story.

    On topic, however, I think we should do another petition.
  • Dear Archie Comics--

    I wanted to offer my feedback about the whole controversy-- it seems bizarre and even a little paranoid to think the public could confuse a web site about a little toddler with your strip.

    Couldn't the money you're using to pay your lawyers be used for something more constructive-- maybe contribute it to the little girl's college fund or something? A little now would go a long way in her future. It could be a nice project maybe, to show solidarity and support for a real-life Veronica rather than try to take something away from this family.

    Just my feedback.

  • The topic of trademarks, and complaints that businesses have about domain names similar to their trademarks has come up repeatedly in more "relevant" articles. This story is a continuation of those, and an example of how ridiculous these companies are becoming. As a continuation it is relevant.
  • I've looked at the story, seen the site, and visited the archie comics site. I just can't shake the feeling that something fishy is going on here and not in the way everyone seems to think. It's just a feeling, I don't have any evidence or inside information on this, but upon evaluating the situation... it just seems so ludicrous. I am continually amazed at the creative stupidity of corporations, and if this situation is everything that it is reported to be, I'll be amazed yet again. But my gut feeling is that someone is pulling a fast one on at the expense of Archie comics. And we are providing the Rent-A-Mob element. Or perhaps someone at has an agenda all their own... conspiracy theory, anyone?

    But my first reaction to any obvious situation is to be skeptical. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. At this moment, I can't imagine a worse scenario for Archie Comics to be in. I'm sure their lawyers know little Veronica Sam isn't competing with their comic Veronica. I'm sure they know the ReadyWhip Bad PR potential of something like this. It just isn't worth it. To my mind, there's just gotta be something more to this.

  • by loki7 ( 11496 )
    This is not a flame, but...

    Do you have a clue about how internic works???
    Just because you can't ping a name (or browse it with IE) doesn't mean that it's not registered. You don't need an IP address to register a name.

    (Clue: you can use 'whois' to find out registeration information about domains)

  • I'm no lawyer, but my understanding of trademarks is that a company is REQUIRED to vigorously pursue infringements on any trademark or they will lose it.

    I'm no lawyer either, but this might make sense if the alleged offenders were actually trying to develop another commercial interest. If Archie Comics is going after a common name, why don't they finish the job and demand that all people named Veronica turn over their names as well.
  • Just visited to help in the /.ing. Did anyone else notice how many cookies they set? It seemed like almost twenty. A sign of pure evil!

  • I don't think Archie has a case here (as the previous post suggests), but I still think it would be a good idea to petition this. We need to send a message to companies that we won't stand for such things. If we don't, we'll only see more and more non-profit and small businesses get run over by larger companies. We need to let corporations know such actions also hurt themselfs by demonizing their public image.

  • To whom it may concern:

    I find it reprehensible that your company feels obliged to bully a small family owning the "" domain name into giving up that name to your company. You already own "" and don't even use it! More importantly, the trademark claim is meaningless. Trademarks only apply within a certain area, not across all of society.

    If someone makes a comic character named "Veronica" that could be confused with yours, then pursue that for trademark infringement. Otherwise, don't flaunt your poor judgement and ignornance of trademark law by harassing people for any coincidental use of the name "Veronica" in a way that is clearly irrelevant to your comic character.

    Any fool can see that your trademark claim to "" is invalid. At best, this claim is gross negligence. At worst, it is fraudulent. Drop the issue, and hope that too many parents don't hear about this. Myself, I'm probably going to discourage my children from reading your comics as a result of this incident; I disapprove of any person or organization who acts in such a shoddy and shameful manner.
  • Although I'm quite sick of hearing about domain name disputes, I had to laugh at this one. A trademark simply can't be placed on a common first name. I'm sure the lawyers involved aren't planning on taking the case to court. Instead, they're simply trying to get an easy domain using scare tactics.
  • When was the most recent issue of archie published anyway? I thought it was a long time ago, atleast a decade. Not to mention I don't see how you can trademark a name. Is someone going to trademark Matt and sue me everytime I put my name on something? Once again, I think we should kill all of the lawyers. This country would be a much better place if NO ONE had a lawyer. That way huge corporations would have just as good of a chance at mudling their way through a court case that joe shmoe would have. I just hope that the parents don't cave for fear of a lawsuit which, while they would win, would probally cost them a fortune.
  • Looks like we'll have to get rid of the archie, veronica, and jughead utils because they're a copyright violation too. Damn.
  • I sent an email to one of the Execs expressing my disapproval.
  • It seems that there are a few other much more 'risque' uses of the name Veronica, such as the "Veronica's Closet" TV show. *BUT*, they probably have a host of lawyers to effectively litigate that case. Instead, Archie Comics is picking on an individual who cannot defend themselves. Demanding the domain serves no useful purpose to Archie Comics, other than causing trouble.
  • Where will it end? I realize companies have to protect their trade names, but there needs to be some sanity to this process, or we will soon run out of words.
  • Ohhh! Very good!

    Slashdot should begin documenting cases of Net-stupidty such as this. After accumulating quite a few instances (which might take all of an hour), I bet some large media site would pick up on that pretty quickly.
  • by Jae ( 14657 )
    So when is the petition gonna start up?

  • Dear Archie Comics:

    Please cease all actions against It has been
    reported on and that you are
    asking to have the web site taken down and have the domain
    turned over to you. This is not in good taste and goes against the
    spirit of Archie Comics.

    A close family friends owns several local comic book stores in the North
    East Ohio area. After explaining the situation to him he is willing to
    stop carrying all your comics and other items. He will also speak with
    several other local owners and ask them to do the same. In addition I
    will help take legal action against you.

    After this happens you will not be able to keep this out of the
    international media. I don't think you want the entire planet to think
    that your company is so hart less as to demand a family take down the
    site they put up for their daughter.

    I doubt you have the integrity to post this to your web page since you
    filter the comments that are posted there for content. I would like an
    email in response letting me know that you are dropping your action. If
    not I will help to organize a boycott against your company, have this
    reported to the national media, and provide legal action for rightful
    owners of


    Jason Sares
    Akron, Ohio

  • Registrant:
    Archie Original Art (ARCHIECOMICS-DOM)
    c/o Archie Online, 325 Fayette Avenue
    Mamaroneck, NY 10543


    Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
    Chou, Michael (MC606) mchou@PAGEUPCOM.COM
    Billing Contact:
    Chou, Michael (MC606) mchou@PAGEUPCOM.COM

    Record last updated on 04-Jun-97.
    Record created on 15-Jul-96.
    Database last updated on 15-Jan-99 07:09:42 EST.

    Domain servers in listed order:

  • Catherine S Reynolds - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    Charles W Grimes - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    George W Cooper - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    Gregory J Battersby - Grimes &Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    James G Coplit - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    Joan J Baird - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    Leora Herrmann - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828

    Melissa T Rosse - Grimes & Battersby
    3 Landmark Sq # 405 Stamford, CT (203) 324-2828
  • This was on []

    Q: What is a copyright?

    A: Copyright protection is provided for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. That means one cannot copyright an idea, only the expression of the idea. The various categories of copyrightable works include:

    literary works;
    musical works, including accompanying words;
    dramatic works, including accompanying music;
    pantomimes and choreographic works;
    pictorial, graphic and sculptural works;
    motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
    sound recordings; and
    architectural works.

    Copyright rights are limited in duration to a term of the life of the author plus 50 years for individuals, or a term of 75 years from the first publication or 100 years from creation (whichever expires first) for works made for hire by employees.

    Copyright rights commence upon the creation of the underlying work, and registration is not absolutely required. Registration of a copyright claim with the U.S. Copyright Office, however, is a prerequisite for commencing an action for copyright infringement.

    Copyright applications are frequently filed without the services of an attorney and are the biggest bargain in the intellectual property field. The current copyright filing fee is $20 per application, and it typically takes about six weeks for the Copyright Office to process the application and issue a registration. No separate foreign filing is required. The U.S. filing achieves rights in all countries adhering to the Universal Copyright Convention or Berne Convention.

    (Answers provided by Greg Battersby, Grimes & Battersby, Three Landmark Square, Stamford, CT 06901)
  • Registrant:
    David Sams Industries (VERONICA3-DOM)
    505 South Beverly Drive, suite
    1017 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 US

    Domain Name: VERONICA.ORG

    Administrative Contact:
    DiAngelo, Rio (RD4076) rio@HIGHERSOURCE.COM
    310 -281 -8434
    Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
    Web Sites Now Hostmaster (HRA11-ORG) hostmaster@WEBSITESNOW.COM
    Fax: 310-786-8349
    Billing Contact:
    Sams, David (DS9384) mrhit@AOL.COM
    310-772-0770 (FAX) 310-772-0714

    Record last updated on 15-Dec-98.
    Record created on 04-Nov-97.
    Database last updated on 15-Jan-99 07:09:42 EST.

    Domain servers in listed order:


  • found this on tion53-West.html []

    Video/Multimedia/Electronic Marketing Infomerical Producers:

    David Sams Industries Inc. * 505 S Beverly Drive Suite 1017 * Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Phone: 310.440.2550 Fax: 310.440.2552

  • found this on ages/1522.html []

    Posted by David Sams Industries Inc. on February 11, 1998 at 00:38:19:

    make us an offer we can't refuse

    this url is priceless
  • Found this on 98_12_21/news.html []

    The CCM Update's Second Annual Year-end Countdown
    Top 15 Impact-makers of 1998

    In a year of presidential scandals, landmark space flights and an unforgettable home run race, the Christian music industry saw few "firsts" or watershed moments. The exodus of key executives and industry veterans will likely be the year's hallmark, the impact of which will significantly impact 1999.

    On the philosophical front, the debate that began in '97 on what makes Christian music "Christian" continued this year as more gray areas emerged and artists and labels further explored general-market possibilities. Christian radio was challenged to think deeply about the decision to add or not add a song and in an aggressive move, the Gospel Music Association went so far as to adopt a concrete definition of gospel music.

    As in '97, there were a multitude of news-makers to pick from for this year's list, however the top 15 events best represent '98 and will inevitably be springboards for '99's impact-makers. The countdown begins:


    13: Christian Music Sees Increased TV Exposure

    Christian music saw increased TV exposure in 1998 as Time-Life Music advertised its first-ever Christian music compilation series, "Songs 4 Life," via direct-response TV ads. In June, David Sams Industries,, Family Christian Stores and Christian Network Inc. launched four weekly TV shows focused on Christian music and its artists. Home Shopping Network co-founder Lowell "Bud" Paxson also launched the seventh TV network, PAX-TV in August.
  • Thanks for writing!

    Your submission is greatly appreciated!

    All e-mail is directed to the appropriate
    editor within ArchieComics Online.
    We love the mail we receive, and read
    every bit of it usually more than once.

    Whenever you want to write us, be sure to
    send your e-mail to a specific address at such as .
    (If you respond to this automated message,
    only a computer will reply!)

    Write us again, soon!

    Your Friends at ArchieComics Online
  • There are simply far too many attorneys out there with no real work to justify thier existence. They constantly have to come up with this sort of garbage to continue to collect a salary.
  • No, we need to hear these, if only because the highest and best use of the fabled "slashdot effect" is to provide a clue-by-four to hit these guys in the head with. Trademarks do NOT apply to businesses in other categories with the same name, and trademark law says NOTHING about domain names! Perhaps EFF should start a legal fund to establish to precedents, which may discourage these corporations from playing this infantile "my lawyer is bigger than your lawyer" game.
  • Interesting to note that they already own
  • Well, not the big three, but four. There is sign that .edu can be had.

    But that's beside the point: the point is, these lawyers seem to have absolutely no common sense. IMHO they should all be sent back to school to learn some of this basic knowledge. Or else they should all be fired. Gee. Take a case they have absolutely no background knowledge about.
  • I have recently discovered that Archie Comics has asked the owner of to turn over the domain name to Archie Comics. Perhaps Archie Comics' attitude here might be understandable if the content of the site was actual Archie Comics comic strips or whatnot; instead, the content of the site consists of nothing more than a homage to a toddler. I am outraged at Archie Comics' insistence that they own all rights to a simple name, "Veronica," which has been in use for decades -- if not centuries -- before Archie Comics ever existed, or the character "Veronica" were ever conceived.

    By your actions, you are suggesting that all those persons in the world named "Veronica" have names owned by another entity -- an idea as outlandish as it is ludicrous. I would be absolutely insulted were a corporation to sue or harass the owners of the or domain names (whoever those owners might be), and insist that the name "Thomas" or "Tom" belong solely to that corporation. I am no less insulted by the implications of your current actions.

    I wholeheartedly recommend that Archie Comics immediately cease all harassment of the owners of the domain name. I look foward to hearing from you.

One good suit is worth a thousand resumes.
