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 1 - YesGoal, Inc Browse Website open in new window
Products include Email Address Finder 1.5 a bulk email sender and email address finder.

 2 - Xellsoft.com Browse Website open in new window
TurboMailer is a mass mailer software for preparing and sending bulk email like newsletters and personalized circulars in email marketing applications.

Ken Mail Server. Sends bulk mail in HTML format using multiple threads and also acts as a mail server.

Product is MailList Express. Program to send personalized template messages to large numbers of e-mail recipients.

Products include EBMailer. Screenshots, advice on increasing Web traffic, shareware download.

 6 - Spryka Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Home of ePostMailer, a bulk email and marketing software.

DynamicMailer sends messages directly to recipients SMTP server using multiple connections.

 8 - Softstack Browse Website open in new window
Products include Bulk Emailer. Sends personalized e-mails and manages mailing lists.

Save time and money with SoftBulkEmail 2 - an essential marketing tool.

Free version sends 100 emails per day, PRO version unlimited emails using SMTP and Direct Send. Personalized email merge and Bounce-back management.

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